You know, one of my favourite moments of the last season was when Conrad confessed that he used to love Victoria. The relationship between these two, however troubled, has always been, to me, the most touching. Anyway, Conrad and Victoria are being fitted for their wedding attire what Daniel sulks around. Sure, he's taken Emily's advice about being less obvious but he is doing a shitty-ass job of it, in my opinion. Next door at Emily's house, Emily tutors Amanda about her scar removal, so Amanda can relay that information to Mason. I like Mason a lot, despite the fact that he is quite the villain himself. Then again, who isn't on this show?
Meanwhile, Kara is perfecting her super creeper mode and is spying on Victoria who is preparing for her wedding day by looking at a picture of her former lover, David, and Kara's former lover and murder extraordinaire Gordon Murphy. A flashback reminds us that Kara and Gordon were in love, with a capital L, also that they liked to stroke each other with sunflowers. If we've learned one thing so far, it's that Kara makes really regrettable life choices. In another flashback Emily remembers drawing alongside her mother, and then Emily and Kara discuss the Graysons. Kara proclaims that they will get what's coming to them. You know, Daniel should really be Kara's child instead of Emily because they both have the same level of subtlety.
Emily, who actually has a decent revenge plan, unlike those two halfwits, goes to collect Gordon Murphy out of the freezer she has been keeping his body in. Whaaa? And also....what else is in there?! Amanda tells Mason about her scar removal and how important her family is and, amazingly, Mason seems to believe all this. He must be hanging out with Daniel too much. After she calls Emily to tell her that she's done with this crap and she's going to handle things her way, ie: with a crowbar. At Chez Grayson, Victoria and Charlotte have a tender moment before Charlotte tells her that she will be in the boring subplot for the remainder of this episode. Conrad wonders where his cuff links are. Speaking of the boring subplot, evil and badly named Kenny, apparently has his own idea about how much booze should cost and their alcohol provider storms out muttering about how Jack and Declan's father wouldn't be too proud of them. Bitch please, Jack is a whiny and useless drunk and Declan is an idiotic thief, I don't think where they buy their booze would even register on their dad's proudness o-meter.
Emily goes to visit Nolan and tells him not to attend the Grayson wedding but he's going, if not to show off his new, heterosexual relationship, then to find out for himself what she's up to. Mason interrupts asking for Nolan to trace 'Gordon Murphy's cell', ie: the piece of evidence Emily planted via Amanda and that will surely lead to someone's demise. The information from Nolan leads Mason to a trailer where he finds Gordon's body and Conrad's missing cuff link. He calls up the police who raid Casa Grayson while they are at the wedding.
Victoria is wearing a grey wedding dress, which I have to say, I loved, when Conrad shows up and gives a impassioned speech about how they were meant to be together and gives Victoria a bedazzled gun in case he can't protect her. Aww! She receives a call from Mason, and then heads out to be remarried to Conrad. Everyone dances with everyone at the reception. Daniel still loves Emily, Aiden also loves Emily, Ashley is jealous and Padma isn't up to no good. Just then the cops burst in, having conveniently found the same gun that was used to kill Gordon and arrest Conrad.

Back at subplot bar Jack thanks his customers and toasts the new bar. Kara bitches about how horrible her life is, how she just can't win. I think a unanimous cry of 'shut the fuck up, Kara" just went around the bar, although who is really paying attention to this plot anyway?
Padma apologizes to Nolan and he gives a kind of creepy speech questioning how far she will go to right her wrongs. Victoria goes to visit Conrad in jail, of course, he thinks she's behind this but she insists she isn't. After she leaves, the initiative rolls in to bust Conrad out, at a price of course. Unfortunately, as he later tells Victoria in their room, they won't know what that price is until it's too late.
Kara confronts Victoria , having seen the news of Gordon's demise on the news and Victoria implies what everyone within a 10 mile radius has already figured out, that they were lovers. Kara storms off, clearly on the edge of a mental breakdown.
Aiden and Emily nearly kiss, after some discussion about how much Ashley knows. Um, I think they must have come in short because there were a few scenes that felt unnecessary. This was one and the other one as a montage of Emily setting up the fake crime scene. I mean, zero percent of people watching this show were wondering how Gordon's body got set up in the trailer. It was pretty straightforward. Anyway, Mason is pondering things when he makes the connection between Amanda and Emily being together in jail. Unfortunately, as we will see in the next episode, this means absolutely nothing, since he wasn't smart enough to figure out what it actually meant that they knew each other before. Still, it was a great episode and I can't wait to see what happens next between Conrad and Victoria.
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