Here I am with my cup of tea on this brisk fall day, ready to bring you the highlights of The Queen's Captive.

Chapters 4-12-Recap and Review
The Grenvilles-mortal enemies of the Thornleighs-are alarmed to find that they (the Thornleighs) are back in town. Until Frances, the lady of the house, meets Adam and decides she's going to jump his bones. Her flirting attempts are a bit weak if I might say so myself. She invites him to help her build a priory while secretly thinking that she wants him to master her like he masters his horse. Whatever that means. No, I'm only joking, I know what it means. OOER. Personally I think these thoughts are a bit unchaste for such a religious woman but anyway, we are in a period drama so-onward! Adam agrees to help her, even though he is secretly thinking-wtf? I am an atheist! What is a priory anyway? (Side note: Did they even have atheists back then? Just sayin') But he thinks helping her will help foster unity or something. His family is as dubious about this as I am! Also Frances' brother is set up as some sort of uber villian- he fingers his scar a lot (not a metaphor) and is a rapist. Unfortunately all this build up is for nought as he immediately disappears after the scar fingering incident.
Meanwhile at Chez Princess Elizabeth, Honor is enjoying her career as laundress and proselytizer. She arranges a secret meeting for Elizabeth where they learn that the queen is going to have a baby and back in royal land things aren't going to well. There is much stab-nation between the Spaniards y los británicos. Honor uses her cunning wit and jewelry to convince Frances to take her to the Queen. (Apparently they are friends). Frances must be distracted by her burning loins because she agrees and off they go. The Queen is giant and pregnant and calls are her ladies over to celebrate, including Princess Elizabeth. They discover that the queen is not in fact pregnant after all. A fake baby! The intrigue! The drama! Either the queen is dumb or she was faking it which is still dumb unless she was planning on stealing a baby, which I guess could happen. Anyway, I digress. Adam meets Princess Elizabeth on a visit to his mother and nearly faints at the sight of her beauty. The book says it was her hair but I think it was a typo and should have said 'heaving bosoms'. The two become 'friends' with Frances skulking away at home and calling Elizabeth a whore, or daughter of a whore or something along those lines. Adam wants to build a big boat, because of course he does, and is chatting up the princess about it when she suddenly gives him a cold shoulder. He is all "what??" until he realises that she thinks he is using her. He goes back to apologize when he sees and arrow coming for the Princess and dives in front of her and gets shot, saving her life. Someone tells Honor and her hubby that Adam is dead but they obviously don't realise that they are in a period drama and that as Adam and Elizabeth haven't had sex yet, he can't possibly be dead. They rush to his bedside and we all know where this is going. Elizabeth will have to nurse him back to health which will give us plenty of time for potential sex-having and/or longing looks.
However, those will have to wait until next time.
Tea picture from Fat loss school
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