And now: Revenge has certainly taken a turn this season with Emily seeming less in control and more emotional than ever, but is this a good thing? Some, including myself, miss the more cold and calculating Emily, the one who is going to take down anyone and everyone that is in her way. However, I feel that, realistically ( should we use that word when talking about soap opera?) even someone bent on Revenge, with a capital 'R' would have moments of weakness and humanity. Anyway. I digress. We open with Emily waking up from a bad dream about her mothers attempt at drowning her and she's cuddling with Aiden! personally I found this more compelling than her dream, if only because I wish it was I cuddling with Aiden. Not one to waste time with pleasantries or general niceness, Emily tells Aiden that this spooning doesn't mean anything, she doesn't want him or need him around and she's getting out of there.
Next we find ourselves at the Graysons where Victoria is pruning her roses, you know, as one does when Kara marches in. Victoria turns several shades of blue at the sight of Kara's weird bangs and even weirder bracelets. Seriously though, what is with those things?

To my surprise, Victoria doesn't stab Kara with the shears, instead they have tea. Kara uses her super (not) skills of digging for information while Victoria gives her a patronizing "bitch please" look. Kara stabs her self with a
Conrad turns several shades of blue too. He is in a meeting with Aiden , who I totally forgot was some kind of proxy. Conrad promises to tell Aiden everything and then sends him to Daniel so he and Victoria can wring their hands over the sudden reappearance of Kara. Look guys, I do not know anything about accounting or running businesses or anything, so suffice to say that Grayson Global is up to no good and Aiden wants to find out what's what While he and Daniel are discussing things I don't know anything about, Ashley storms in and ill advisedly mentions David Clarke, then suggests they get drinks on the corporate card.
Back at the boring subplot, the guy who's trying to con Declan and Jack out of the bar (nope, not going to bother to learn his name) shows u just in time to see Charlotte returning Declan's jacket. Con man guy comments that Charlotte is a classy bitch so she probably wouldn't go for a groupon and that Declan reminds him so much of himself at that age and I can only assume he means that they were both about as bright as a cloudy night and greedy to boot. Con man tries to hurry up his take over of the bar and honestly I don't understand why this story exists. Declan and Jack give exactly two shits about the bar (which is two more than I give about these characters) so the could have just sold the thing, and what does this rich (and evil) guy want with a moldy dive bar anyway?
After stopping by the hospital to discuss baby swaddling with Jack and learning about the existence of Kara, Nolan storms over to Emily's to give her what for and to tell her that his dad died. He notes that just because his dad was a normal (ie: not framed for terrorism) guy doesn't mean he cares any less. Well,except that he obviously didn't keep in touch with his dad since he (his dad) was dead for 6 months before Nolan even noticed! Anyway, Emily looks sympathetic but can't even muster a hug. They go to visit Amanda in the hospital and she seems to have completely recovered from her dive off the Grayson balcony. At Casa Grayson, Victoria has invited Kara to stay with them and they all agree since they are all trying to spy on each other. On another balcony Kara and Victoria are discussing how Victoria is a man stealing ho. Is it wrong that I'm on Victoria's side here? I mean, she thought Kara was dead AND Kara tried to kill her own daughter. I think that's fair grounds for divorce, although I guess she is being painted as having a mental illness in which case I think getting medical treatment might have been a better idea than locking her up. Anyway, Charlotte informs them that Amanda has woken up and Kara heads to the hospital to continue being creepy.
While Emily carries baby Carl, Kara exposits that Amanda was such a good baby, so filled with goodness, such a good person, I mean, really, REALLY good. I think Emily is thinking “ unlike the cold hearted revenge seeking beeyotch she is now!” This tender moment is interrupted by Mason Treadwell who is digging around for information. He spies Amanada’s back in the robe. This shot was a bit weird but it’s going to be important later so don’t forget it. After they rid themselves of Mason, Emily tries to get rid of Kara saying that Amanda needs to rest and Kara can visit them later. While Emily drives Kara home she comments how horrible it is that her own daughter didn’t recognise her. Emily comments that she doesn’t know how that must feel.
At Casa Emily and Amanda, Amanda says things are going ‘fine’. I would say that if I just took a dive off of a balcony and my baby daddy was an ambivalent whiner I would not be doing ‘fine’ but, to each their own. Kara comes in to tell Amanda that she wasn’t well and that she’s sorry, etc. Amanda is so moved that she tells her all is forgiven. I know Amanda hasn’t always been a likable character but she certainly is empathetic and puts herself into Emily’s shoes very well. Anyway, Emily listens from outside the door and is moved to tears. Some flashbacks inform us that Kara and David agreed to tell Amanda that she, Kara, had died since it would be easiest for Amanda. We also learn that it was Padma who raised the red flags about David Clark over at Grayson Global, she was concerned after finding the cheque last episode. She leaves the cheque lying around but Nolan is too distracted by his new found heterosexuality to notice or care and promises his new girlfriend night of naughtiness. Aiden discovers that Emily has Gordon’s cell phone and gets all cranky pants (what else is new?). He storms off to conspire with his new friend Daniel.
Confession time! After a touching conversation between Emily and Kara and some more exposition from Emily about forgiveness, Emily confesses to Amanda that she lied about Jack not being the baby’s daddy. Rather than slapping a ho as I would have done, Amanda is understanding and they both discuss how much Jack deserves happiness. What? I don’t understand this at all. What redeeming qualities does Jack have?
In other romantic news, Conrad proposes to Victoria so they can have and hold each other and not have to testify against each other. After dropping in to annoy Victoria, who is raiding Kara’s room, Mason heads over to visit Amanda and question her about how she is missing a scar. Mason totally knows what’s going on! I think this is a bit weak since scars fade and can be removed but in any case, he’s onto them and this surely spells trouble.
To surmise: Aiden is a sexy beast, Conrad and Victoria are thinking ahead, Nolan is a heterosexual and Jack and Declan are getting more and more boring, and and more and more stupid with each passing episode.
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