Thursday 21 February 2013

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 15

Previously on Covert Affairs: In case anyone has forgotten, Auggie was in IRAQ! Annie, meanwhile, is running for her life...again.

And now: Annie goes to Luxembourg, Auggie goes to Iraq. Again. Oh and tattoo man gets a name!Auggie and Annie are meeting for a nightcap and after blabbing about herself forever, Annie finally shuts up and Auggie tells her that he is going on some project thing where he will be a 'battle buddy" (lol-right?) and he will help some other guy with his problems, in Iraq. I sense this isn't going to go well but Auggie is optimistic. The next day Annie learns from tattoo man, who we learn is called Barber, that Megan's body was found strangled in Luxembourg. Annie asks Barber if he can make her a fake ID so she can go pretend to be Megan's sister and collect Megan's' personal belongings, namely a flash drive. Barber says he went to prep school. Well, thanks for that insight into your past Barber, but what does it have to do with anything? Is there a course on fake ID's? Anyway, Annie get's her fake passport and jets off to Luxembourg. She goes to the morgue and everything seems to be going well except...fake out! Terrorist Man (Kahleed)'s men start chasing her around with tranquilizer darts. Annie does what anyone who travels in Louboutins would do and knocks this guy over the head with a stiletto  Thanks to Covert Affairs for putting this scene in here, as obviously they know that this is the kind of shit I want to see. The real fake out in this scene is that Annie clocks this guy with what looks like a pump but later she is wearing booties. Were they booties all along? Did she find booties on the way? Why didn't she at least try to look a little bit different? So many questions. She calls for an extraction but the useless twit that's taken over Auggie's desk says it will take half and hour and also kindly tells Annie to shut up. Annie calls Eyal next. Eyal is overjoyed, although we can only wonder why. He tells Annie to escape to Zurich where he will meet her. Annie is all snarky about it but honestly, I'm with the girl at the desk, This guy is saving your ass AGAIN, no need to be an ungrateful bitch about it.

Meanwhile, in Iraq, Auggie is paired with some grumpy guy who is about to get a divorce and has TSD, and I don't want to belittle anyone with actual TSD but basically this whole plot was just to say RAH RAH America right? I mean, there are a lot of American flags in these scenes. Basically they discuss how shitty life is, how crappy it was of the army to give them purple hearts and eventually overcome their problems and live happily ever after. This plot was really cheesy in a baaaad way, so I'm not going to spend any more time on it.

In Zurich, Eyal informs Annie that Kahleed and his British dad are hiding out in Zurich and since Kahleed's bank accounts have been frozen he is getting money from his dad. Eyal and Annie hatch a plan which involves Eyal roughing up some diamond seller (I wish he would rough me up!) and tracking the courier of Kahleed's dinero. Eyal tells Annie that he is no longer in Mossad. They go to some posh place where Eyal has dinner with Kahleed's dad and Annie looks pretty and reads the newspaper. Eyal texts her that the courier is the waiter but then Annie sots Megan. She is alive! Although, I suspect, not for long. Annie tells her that Kahleed is going to kill her but  Megan just flashes a blingy engagement ring and says that they are going to  get married. I don't think so lady. Annie hugs her and tells her it's her choice but she is gonna get killed! The hug was a fake out and she actually just placed a tracker on Megan. Annie is reunited with Eyal but then they hear gunshots and, yes, Megan is dead for reals now. They head back to the safehouse to regroup, where Eyal looks delish and tells Annie that he was wrong and she should use her empathy and not be the cold hearted biznatch he advised her to be last week. Geez, Eyal, make up your mind, oh and that blue shirt is really working for you. Just then the baddies show up and Eyal tells Annie to get out of there. His plan is to distract the baddies so he gives himself up and lets Annie escape. Seriously, if Eyal dies, I will not be watching the next season!!

In the boring subplot, Arthur goes to visit Wilcox (heehee) in jail where he is informed that all will be forgiven for the blowing up of stuff incident. Why? Arthur doesn't know and I think this is a stupid arse subplot  That is all I can say on the matter. I wouldn't even have written about it but I sense it will be important next episode or season.

Annie flees to Amsterdam and is walking around looking lost when she finds a cell phone under a bench that promptly starts ringing. She answers it and....that is all for this episode folks. Really, though, Eyal better be alive at the end of the next episode.

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