Wednesday 20 February 2013

Covert Affairs: Season 3 Episode 14

Previously on Covert Affairs: Annie and Joan are over! Arthur blew some shit up! Terrorists are bad and that ho Parker made a guest appearance.

And Now: Annie and Eyal break up! Eyal and Mossad break up! Megan and Terrorist Man are going strong. At CIA headquarters everyone is 'buckeling down'  after the doctored photo incident. Arthur is potentially in the big doo doo for blowing stuff up to which I say:  NO SHIT. I mean, if the immediate response to any information is to get out the explosives, you probably shouldn't be running the CIA. Just saying. Some guy with tattoos explains how the pictures where doctored, basically, Mossad blah blah, pixels, satellites, spies. Joan doesn't have an effing clue what he is talking about and neither do I! I, however, am not running an international spy organization. Anyway.

Megan, meanwhile, is in protective custody in a hotel. She is pissed that she is being kept in a boring  hotel with no job, friends or boyfriend. To Megan I say, I have watched a lot of TV and escaping protective custody is easy as shit. Annie pays her a visit and considering that it was Annie that got her into this mess, Megan is suprisingly nice.

Back at the CIA they learn that terrorist-man (can't be bothered to learn his name) is going to want, isn't that why she was in protective custody in the first place? Anyway. Annie flees the scene and goes back to the hotel to discover that, as predicted, Megan is gone. She decides to track her down on her own. Honeslty, I don't know how this girl even has a job left. She takes off where she encounters Eyal. Even though she is under direct orders TO NOT TALK TO EYAL, they join up and head to a farm or something out in the middle of nowhere. In a garage they discover an abandoned car with a picture of Megan and two bottles of water that have both been used. Eyal uses his astute observational skills and points out that something is not right here. Yes, Eyal they are many things wrong with this scene. However there is one very right thing which is Eyal wearing a tight leather jacket.  Rawr. To the suprise of absolutely no one the car blows up and they head off to find the brother of the guy who is suspected of having Megan. Long story short, they find the brother, get some information from him, Eyal smacks him around a bit. They head to an airfield, find the baddie and kill him.

Now, time for the interesting part. Some backstory from Eyal informs us that once upon a time he did find someone who actually wanted to sleep with him, she was a beautiful woman with poor fashion choices, who he seduced then got to work for him by seducing the very same terrorist who they are now after. She was killed. Eyal was sad. Is this perhaps the reason for the doctored photos?? Mossad boss lady tells Joan that, yes, this was the case.
Annie phones Joan and confesses that she is with Eyal. Joan is so annoyed, as I would be. Annie is soo self righteous and annoying!

Annie confronts Eyal and he says yes, he did doctor those photos and he was acting alone and maybe if she wasn't so fricking gullible she wouldn't get played all the time...hmmm? Annie says that in that case this is "adios" and the two say goodbye. Eyal meets with the boss lady where they discuss how he lied about this which, obviously he was lying. Oh Covert Affairs, stop being so obvious. Then he says goodbye to Mossad and effs off out of there. Mossad lady is sad.

Meanwhile in the far off lands, Megan is reunited with her bf, even though she knows he is a terrorist now she is excited to see him. She tells him Annie's name, social insurance number, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile, twitter and facebook so he can track her down and kill her. Terrorist man gives her the creepiest smile ever and I thought for sure she was going to be risen-ed too but no.

The episode ends with Arthur being informed that Jai Wilcox is going to be released from jail....who gives a fuck? This plotline was super boring. Way to end the episode on this irrelevant note instead of the creepy smile!

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