And now: After killing Lena Annie loudly talks on the phone to Auggie which greatly aides the Russian baddies that are chasing her. They capture her and haul her off to prison where she pretends to be a lost Russian. As a language teacher I just have to ask: does she really have, or thinks she has such a good accent that she could pass off as a Russian native speaker? Anyway. Her charade lasts for about two seconds until the Russian police officer/interrogation office tells her he knows who she is. Now I, personally, know less than zero about how the CIA works and all of my information (misinformation) comes from the bad TV shows I watch, that said, shouldn't she try to, you know, keep up the act for a while? Well, she doesn't. The Russians begin to torture her by blasting heavy metal music at her and stealing her bed.
Back Stateside, Arthur is briefing some other unnamed characters about what they will do if Annie blabs to the Russians. Joan gets a bit upset. I like Joan because, she, like Auggie is always giving it her all but she is also completely unrealistic. She told Annie that if she (Annie) got caught they were going to have to deny everything. Realistically (although I use that term extremely loosely in regards to this show) they can't compromise the whole CIA for Annie's personal agenda. Auggie also wants to rescue Annie so he goes to Arthur and makes this face:
Arthur is unmoved by Auggie's puppy dog eyes and continues reading his newspaper, or, no wait those are blueprints from the jail. Arthur tells Auggie they all (ie: Auggie and Joan) want to rescue Annie but they just can't dammit! Russia is just too Russian!
Annie does her best "my spirit is broken" face. It looks just like my " I'm hungover" face. She tries to knife somebody but it doesn't work and she gets sent back to her room. But wait! What is that commotion? That's right! Someone has come to rescue her. In the prison that Auggie and Arthur just wasted a whole scene claiming was impenetrable (ooer). Her rescuer is Eyal! Yay! I guess Annie wasn't just pretending her spirit was crushed as she throws herself at Eyal and looks quite upset. He takes her to a safe house so they can get out of there. Eyal tells her that 'someone' at the CIA was looking out for her and communicating with him (Eyal). Bitch please, we all know 'someone' is Auggie.
Auggie and Eyal's communication has been via an ad for a lost dog. I guess the 'lost dog' is Annie.
What a relief, she's not spayed!
Annie has got some unfinished business though. Her interrogator threatened Simon's sister so Annie stops by. This is not exactly 'laying low' but, as usual, Annie is too busy pursuing her own agenda to worry about the welfare of others. She gives Simon's sister her own fake passport and Simon's sister gives her the key to the family steam trunk. Simon's sister says they are 'family' now. I'm not sure dating someone for a few months makes them family but okay.
Annie and Eyal make a botched attempt at getting on a train and regroup at the safe house. Annie tells Eyal that she gave her passport away. Uh-oh. Eyal looks pretty mad and tells Annie he will leave her behind. I kind of am on Team Eyal here, Annie is so selfish! Back in America, they have hatched a plan. Annie and Eyal just need to get on a cargo plane with some fellow spies. Unfortunately they run into a problem. That is, the have to cross an airfield filled with people who could potentially recognise Annie from the wanted posters that seem to be all around. They lure some unsuspecting jeep drivers, steal their jeep, and drive into the complex. The security officers look right at Eyal, the least Russian looking person ever and say 'yep, come on in!'. The board the plane and take off. They are celebrating their victory when they are stopped by the same interrogator that Annie had in the prison. At CIA headquarters Auggie and Joan look seriously at things while Auggie claims they are doomed, oh Auggie you say that at least 8 times each episode.
Earlier Eyal dropped the bombshell that Annie's interrogator had been switched at the last moment. Now he is driving them somewhere and creeping them out by sniffing his gun and generally looking mean. The interrogator, not Eyal. Eyal looks like "yup, just another day in Russia". Annie uses her smarts and threatens Alexei, the interrogator, claiming he is a double agent and if he doesn't let them go she will send that little tidbit to his superiors. Eyal pipes up that he is from Mossad. Alexei pulls over and pretends to take them out into the woods to shoot them. He gives them the key to their handcuffs and sends them off to the nearest port. His accent seems slightly less Russian in this scene. Annie and Eyal escape while, a fairly good singer-songwriter song plays in the background. Eyal looks handsome as ever.
I love this show, it is so cheesy and once again everyone overacted to the extreme.
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