Monday 29 August 2011

Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse tribute at the VMAs

Let's discuss Lady Gaga. I have to admit that she is talented and I usually enjoy her songs, albeit, begrudgingly. I really didn't like her earlier songs where she referred to her va-jay-jay as a "muffin" (although, I get why, please, nobody explain) and the other one (or maybe it was the same one) where she took a ride on someones disco stick. Maybe I am repressed but I found these metaphors a bit....much. But in any case many of her new songs have caught my attention and I was quite curious about her VMA performance where she stayed in character as her man alter ego for the whole show. I never watch award shows because they are usually on Sunday nights when I work so I didn't see her apparently non-funny monologues but I kind of liked her performance of "You and I" and then Brian May showed up (why?) but anyway I adore Queen so I was happy to see him. My problem with Lady Gaga is her shtick. Obviously, persona is a part of every celebrity but I feel like Lady Gaga's is a monster out of her control, it's taken on a life of it's own. And her gay icon status feels a bit tired to me. Androgyny/cross dressing and homosexuality have always been a part of popular music, well, all music really and I feel like Lady Gaga constantly thinks she's shocking people. I, at least, don't feel particularly shocked. Although I do have to comment that I feel it is kind of typical of our society that when a woman comes along with a dominate personality we have to accuse her of having a penis.
Anyway, I am 24 and I can admit that I liked her performance and I like the song "You and I".

Now, the Amy Winehouse tribute. I actually liked this as well. Certainly her death is very sad and I don't know, I'm glad they took the time to acknowledge her. Somehow at the Oscars when they play some piano tune and show all 500 people who died that year in Hollywood I never feel particularly moved. Especially when the young tragic deaths (Heath Ledger) get lumped in with the 100 year olds who made great contributions to film but nonetheless, someone who dies at 100 is way less sad than someone dying at 27. Anyway. Valerie is a great (and sad song) and although I'm not a Bruno Mars fan I think he actually did a great job. The call and response part was a bit much maybe but maybe not, Amy Winehouse was a soul singer and call and response is standard soul fare and the cuts to Adele, Katy Perry and Russel Brand showed them all looking very sad. I have to say, I give a round of applause to MTV for this one. And, I love Katy Perry and Russel Brand as a couple and I hope they have lots of babies and stay together forever!

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