Previously on Covert Affairs: Jane and Lena hate each other! Auggie is going to propose to his girlfriend, Annie has sex with Simon. And Now:
Annie is in her tub enjoying some alone time (OOER) and thinking of all the sex she had with Simon, her sister (Anne Dudek-love her! but she must be tired of all the a-women-scorned plotlines she gets) is planning her divorce from her cheating husband, Auggie enjoys some not-alone time in the Red Sea with Parker. I don't know how sold I am on Parker's character, she's cute and she's cool I guess, since she went off to the far off landsbut still. I digress, Auggie, Annie and some friends ( a couple) are drinking margaritas ,getting engaged (Annie and Auggie), frolicking in the sea and cruising around in a posh boat when disaster strikes.The girl they are with has hit her head and needs to be rushed to the hospital. At this point I definitely thought of this scene from Breaking Bad and started laughing hysterically.
Anyway, her boyfriend, who I guess doesn't know much about the far off lands calls in a distress call...which is intercepted by pirates! In fairness to the pirates they were definitely very nice, TV-viewer friendly pirates. I mean, no swearing, no shooting, no one got smacked, that's why I love this show. They confiscate everyone's belongings and rough them up a (very little) bit. They release the girl that is injured American shows up. An American pirate. She is kind of a bitch, if I do say so myself. Lena, Joan and Annie are at home negotiating for the safe return of their compatriots. Lena and Joan go head to head, seriously in the next episode they are going to be pulling each others hair or something. I have to say, I am not a fan of plots like this. There is no reason two women can't work together in harmony and in a professional manner. Plus both these characters are a bit insufferable, right? Lena wants to beat everyone over the head with her "I'm-so-different" attitude and Joan spent most of the last two seasons preaching about fidelity and trust when she was the one who slept with a married man. I don't know, honestly, this episode is a bit hard to recap. Auggie, Parker and that other guy are held hostage. Parker is confused about how Auggie, some random blind guy knows so much about everything until he confesses that he is a CIA agent and she goes to sulk in the corner. Dude, if I was kidnapped by pirates and my fiance told me he was a CIA agent I would be overjoyed. Plus, I mean, supposedly they've been dating for 4 months, she can't expect to know everything about him. After sulking a bit she puts on her big girl panties and they all plan an escape and get airlifted from a near by building. So far, this has been my least favourite episode. I love Auggie but whenever he gets his own episode it is usually a feast for the eyes (remember that one about his hardships running barebacked through the Middle East?) but a bit weak on plot.
Other things that happened in this episode: Annie's sister and brother-in-law decide to make it work instead of getting a divorce. Snore! Simon calls Annie for a romantic rendez vous in Paris and Joan stomps off in a huff. WHY ARE ALL THE WOMEN ON THIS SHOW ACTING LIKE TEENAGERS?
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