I have to say, I don't know if my annoyance with this show is caused by my bad attitude or if this show is causing my bad attitude, but although, I do think this show is improving, this episode still isn't anything to write home about. As such, I've decided to outline yesterdays episode in point form. Here we go.
*Mary Margaret is a homewrecker! A dowdy homewrecker. Let's have a look at Ginnifer Goodwin shall we?

Dude, this woman is HOT! Why does she look like a grandma on Once Upon a Time? WHY?
*Prince Charming is a Twin to some guy that was the prince, Alan Dale makes a guest appearance (yay!) Prince Charming has to marry some Princess to save the land. Yay for sheep!
*She is the owner of the most ridiculous blue dress ever!
*Back in Storybrooke, everyone runs around like mad twits. Prince Charming loves Mary Margaret! No, he loves his wife! Or does he? Maybe he has a magic ring?
*Creepy Pawn Shop! Mr. Gold is even creepier. Number of people who seem to notice and/or be creeped out by him? Zero.
*"helping out at a animal shelter" is now code for boinking the mayor! Henry doesn't know! That's disgusting. Jennifer Morrison delivers the best line/facial expression of the episode: "I wish I was Henry now".
You and me both, Jennifer Morrison.
On a positive note, I do have to say that Jenniefer Morrison is making the show for me, she's lovely and her character seems to have the appropriate levels of cynicism. That is all for this weeks recap. I wish you all a lovely, lovely Monday. xoxoxoxo
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