Wednesday 31 August 2011

Happy Wednesday from around the interwebs

Greetings, here are the thing that are grabbing my attention this morning.
1.)This article in Pitchfork explains exactly how I feel about music. I agree with the author that music is a way to try to create or recreate ourselves into something we want to be or something we are curious about. Furthermore I understand completely the desire to be sucked into something again. I used to fall for anything, musically. Now I find myself listening to new music every week and wondering why I don't like it.  Being nostalgic for some past time that is maybe not very far in the past or being nostalgic for something you know little to nothing about, is something I think all music lovers are deeply familiar with. A couple nights ago I was at work when Oasis' Wonderwall came on. Undoubtedly this is one of the cheesiest songs in pop music but it started making me simultaneously wistful for the 90's in England (something I never experienced) and the questionably  happy time a couple of years ago when I first listened to the whole What's the Story (Morning Glory) Album. Music as a search for a sense of belonging, self improvement or affecting a greater experience is something everyone who listens to music as a part of their daily routine can identify with and this article hits the nail on the head.
zoe saldana leather dress columbiana
2.) There was an article this morning on about Zoe Saldana saying Hollywood racist. I have to confess, I do believe Hollywood is racist  so kudos to her for saying it. I also happen to love Zoe Saldana, even though I will always think of her as the girl from Centre Stage which is one of my all time favourite cheesy movies and Wal-Mart Bargain Bin purchases! Anyway, let's look at this lovely Valentino dress she wore last week. I love the dress, the nude shoes and the dark nails. She looks fantastic and I hope I can scoop up this months Latina magazine (why is this in English?) which has her on the cover.

3.) I've been reading Tiger Beatdown for a while now and sometimes I appreciate the articles and sometimes I find myself saying--whaaaat? Today was one of those days. THIS article is not bad per se, I just have no idea what the author is intending to say. The article is about someone who shot an important figure in a small town for trespassing on his grow-op. Everyone is saying that the shooter is crazy but the author first defends him saying--what is crazy about protecting your business but then quickly jumps to the conclusion that he is crazy, is going to suffer in the mental hospital and talks about the horrible state of mental health care in America and the treatment of mentally ill people. I don't disagree with any one point, mental illness is a terrible thing and shooting people is terrible but I'm at a loss for what the final point is here. Furthermore it makes me think even if you are mad about something you still need to think about what you are writing before hitting POST.  If any of my dear readers cares to read this article and tell me what they think the author is saying, I will be much obliged.

4.)Other thoughts: Joshua Jackson is great on Fringe, reading (and loving) Spoiled by The Fug Girls--so cheesy! Also reading: Classic French Short Stories, well, on Audiobook-everything is better when read by a distinguished British gentleman. Now that Covert Affairs is over where am I going to get my clothes fix?-Annie had some great booties in the final episode. Can't wait for this show to return! So many decisions to take-ink/watercolour classes or photography-if I ever admit aspirations of being a wedding photographer someone shoot me!And Barcelona or London?

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