Sunday 17 February 2013

Covert Affairs: Season 3, Episode 12

Hey guys, I was really sick for the majority of the last two months but since I am feeling better get ready for  more English student ramblings!
Previously on Covert Affairs: Well, I'm too lazy to write that out so here's my last recap!

And now: Annie is back in America after her unfortunate stint in Russia and she has been taken to some place called "Blue Bonnet Farm".  Some creepy guy tells her that she will be staying for a while and that they have brought 'some of her stuff' and proceed to give her a tiny grey bag. What the hell, CIA? Annie has at least 100 pair of wedges and I'm sure that they did not all fit into that tiny bag. Although, maybe nearly being tortured and killed in Russia has rendered fashion less important to Annie since she is wearing some 90's tragedy of a sweater. The creepy guy takes her into...a barn?What, they couldn't afford a chalet or something? Anyway, he accuses her of falling in love with Simon and some other boring stuff and gives her some juice. She is all "whatever, bitch, I nearly died in Russia, your silly questions do not bother me!" Just then a Annie is whisked away, back to CIA headquarters where she is reunited with Auggie and his perpetual longing stare and vests. Joan appears to say that they are on 'orange alert' and some weird orange lights start flashing. For some reason this really made me laugh, do they have lights for every colour of alert? I hope so. Apparently orange alert means that they shut down their computers so pesky foreigners can't snoop because just then Eyal and another Mossad agent roll in.  They have some intel about a Swedish operative who has a watch filled with some kind of information that they want. Basically there is some boring stuff about how Mossad and CIA are working together but the older Mossad lady thinks that the CIA will keep the information for themselves, which, the CIA is totally planning to do. Also Annie is going to get a medal. Annie is all "oh, the one with a cash reward?" but then is totally pissed when Arthur says yes. Girl, I know your boyfriend got shot and all but don't say no to money!
Anyway, Annie and Eyal eventually head over to the missing Swedish lady's hotel where they find her hiding in a closet. She tells them that the some weird guy was asking her a lot of questions about the airline she worked for and she wants out. Eyal basically says "no dice". Sigh, Eyal is just so handsome but that was pretty mean.   Before the matter can be resolved the Swedish asset and her tragic sweater drop dead.
Back at CIA headquarters, Auggie informs Annie that the bad guys are all caught up on Breaking Bad because they used the trusty risen poison on the Swedish informant. He also tells her that he has been doing some research and it looks like our baddie has been funding a terrorist  organization or gun runner or something. He has also discovered that the asset has buried something out in the forest somewhere and Annie takes off there at mach seed with a shovel and a metal detector. Just as she begins her search, Eyal shows up and they bicker a bit about sharing information and blah blah blah.  Eventually they decide to get digging, assuming that they will find the watch. I should say that Eyal digs while Annie stands there looking forlorn. Eyal sees the massive steam trunk key dangling from Annie's neck and asks her about it but she just hides it. They do not find the watch but rather a key to a safe deposit box. Back at the CIA offices Annie has a brilliant plan to go into the safe deposit herself since both she and the Swedish woman are blonde. This seems like a legit plan to me but, Eyal, Joan and Eyal's boss woman do not think so. They list all the things that could go wrong but eventually they agree to let her do it because basically she is Annie and she does whatever she wants anyway. Eyal and his boss lady discuss Eyal's sex life in Hebrew. In short Eyal is not sleeping with Annie but his boss lady thinks he should as it would speed things along. Eyal looks grumpy because we all know his unrequited feelings for Annie. Well, I know at least because those are the same feelings I have for him! Before going to the bank though she heads home, however being that her boyfriend and her both got shot there, she decides it would be more prudent to check into the hotel.A wise choice Annie.
At the bank, the next day, she gets into the safe deposit box and collects the watch but soon is stopped by the baddie. She "hands over the watch" and he flees. After some chasing by Eyal and Annie, we learn that Annie totally fooled that guy (not us though!) and she tells Eyal that she will share the intel on the watch with him. Eyal then gives Annie the key to his apartment in DC and tells her she can stay there and that he made the bed and then he cooks her dinner! While they are eating dinner, Auggie is at Annie's old house banging on the door. Aw, poor Auggie. He really didn't have much of a role in this episode   Eyal heads out saying he has a flight to catch and goes directly to the boss lady with the information that Annie gave him. However, he looks fairly mad about it and refuses to say where Annie is staying. Annie broods about Simon.
In a side plot of extreme randomness, Arthur totally thinks Joan is cheating on him because she is acting all weird and holding hands with some guy but it turns out she is just in AA! What?  I mean, I've never even seen Joan have a glass of wine and suddenly she is an alcoholic? Anyway, that's all for this episode folks, let's hope we see some more of Eyal because he is so dreamy, also was there something strange about Annie's eyebrows in this episode or was it just me?


  1. I think reading your review of this episode was great. You make television a joy to read about.
