Thursday 24 November 2011

Fromage-The Secret Shopper Unwrapped Part 2

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Is it the 24th already? Where has the time gone? In any case, here is your Chapters 10-20 Recap and Review!

Grazia finds a toy-boy, who is a young and sexy Brit named Nigel. Yes. I am imagining that guy from So You Think You Can Dance, (which I haven't watched for years, but anyway). They get up to the usual shenanigans while her ego gets a huge boost. She also goes for cosmetic surgery and is happy to feel so young again. I feel a bit lost by her story line, but in any case I am greatly enjoying this book, it is a cheese fest! Sandie is still pondering if she should have the baby or abort it, except this book carefully avoids the word abortion. Grazia and Emily figure it out, because of her glow or something. They both think she should have the baby because they love kiddies. Sandie however is sure that her boyfriend is on the verge of leaving her although, obviously he is not, YOU ARE IN A CHIC LIT SANDIE, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU UNLESS SOMEONE HOTTER AND BETTER IS WAITING AROUND THE CORNER. Instead he brings her to meet his mother who is some sort of uber rich ice queen. Sandie thinks that his mother is going to burn her and make racist remarks but instead she is just...a bit weird. Emily meanwhile is still trying to trick her boyfriend into having a baby with her. He is incredibly grumpy about it. Then, her ex husband Duncan shows up and is like "I don't want to pay the maintenance because you are just using for stupid things and having lots of sex with your new boyfriend."  First of all. In case you are Canadian/American, 'maintenance' is child support. It took me quite a while to figure this out. Secondly, Duncan also does't seem to realise that if you leave your wife she is allowed to have sex with whoever she wants and you still get to pay the child support/maintenance. Yikes. He seems like a super asshole so I hope he also gets his man bits injected with something.  Sandie dithers around for about 10 chapters while her boyfriend seems remarkably nice and not like he is going to leave her. Meanwhile, Kelly loves her job, basically she shoplifts and if she gets caught she tells the shop they have good security and if not...well, you get the gist. She is really snarky to everyone, even though they are all like "bitch, please". She enjoys her new life as a responsible citizen until one day she goes home and, I am not even kidding, there is  a huge beefy man smoking a giant cigar  there and threatening her. He tells her that she is supposed to fink on her boss because somewhere along the line she messed with him, in the financial sense. In return he will pay off all of her dad's debts and send her dad to Scotland. Seems logical. Also, a film is being filmed in their town/suburb and Emily and Freddie (her son) star in it until a sausage shoots someone or something and then they get the idea to sell homemade, local products in their store which is a huge success.  Not exactly in that order.  I would like to talk more about how a sausage shot someone but it is only briefly mentioned. How sad. Emily then thinks she is pregnant because her period is a day late and then she tells everyone she is knocked up and then she gets her period. Also, PLOT POINT AHEAD: Freddie has an evil teddy bear. Sandie gets annoyed at her boyfriend and her mother because they are getting along to well, so she deposits them at a bus stop and runs off to some village where she relives all her child/teen memories and ponders what to do. I want to do this. I love pondering. Everyone is very pondery. But what will they decide? WHAAT? I ask you!

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