Wednesday 26 October 2011

My Anglophilia Continues-Pippa Middleton

"I'm Walking...."

I love, love, love this!
Pippa Middleton

and this--although I'm not sure that it isn't just making me pine for those rainy isles. No, that's not it, I'm sure, she's adorable, I love this coat and those flats and it looks like there is a scone in that baggy which...mmm, scones. I also love pictures of people walking. I sometimes imagine that people are taking pictures of me when I'm walking down the street and then I caption said imaginary photos "Stephanie looks chic as she stops for a latte on the way to work!" or something.

This isn't the best picture ever, but I love what she's wearing. She is so classic! I alway wish I could dress more "classically" but then I accidentally put on something funky instead. C'est la vie!

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