Annie goes to Cuba with Simon where they drink mojitos, dance salsa and do other Latin American activities. Unfortunately she needed a fake passport, for some reason, which Lena helpfully provided from some less than upstanding citizen. Simon gets called away on 'business' which is to look at some device that could take out American satellite signals or something sinister like that, conveniently located in the middle of nowhere. He is with his business partner, a very angry Cuban hit-man. Annie, dressed in suitable camouflage ( a bright red skirt and high heels) attempts to follow them but makes a huge ruckus trying to conceal herself in the woods.Ah Annie and her ridiculous spy skills! Later while doing the salsa dancing, Simon's partner threatens Annie and Annie and Simon decide they must take
Meanwhile in the Auggie subplot, Auggie gets removed from the Jai case for being a hot mess but since this is a parallel universe where anyone can do whatever they want at the CIA, he continues investigating and finds out the location of Jai's safe house.
In the sub-sublot Arthur is up for a position that he's always wanted. Being a dutiful wife, Joan has some influential people over for dinner where Arthur promptly insults them and smashes some plates. Sigh. The men on this show love smashing things even more than I do.
Auggie takes Annie to Jai's safe house where they discover pictures of Simon. They decide that Simon must be tracked down which is when Annie breaks the news that she and Simon are lovers to Auggie and Arthur. Annie schedules a meet with Simon but soon they are chased down by armed bad guys. They make their hasty getaway into some nearby trees, Annie takes off her microphone and they confess their undying love for each other. Annie asks Simon to come work for the CIA, but Simon just loves his spy life too much! They part ways assuming it will be forever (hahah, who actually thought that?). Later Annie returns to her home where she meets Simon and they decide to run away together when who should show up but Lena. I knew Lena was a bad guy, I mean, it was fairly obvious, no one with the name Lena was a good guy ever, but still. Lena shoots both of them, then puts the gun in Simon's hand. I'm going to sincerely say that Covert Affairs got it quite right with this scene, the music, Lena walking in with the gun. Sure, it was cheesy but it was well done.
The next Episode opens with a cake/cookie delivery man bringing a cake to Annie (aww, I love how Annie's entire relationship with her sister centers around food!). The cake delivery man sees the two bodies and calls the police. Next thing you know we are inside Annie's mind as she gets rushed to the hospital. Argh, one of my biggest pet peeves is the weird blue dream state that nearly dead characters find themselves in on TV all the time. I don't know why, it's a common enough trope but it still annoys me. Anyway, in this dream state Annie says goodbye to Simon(who we learn in the real world is dead) and begins to figure out what is going on, of course she discovers Lena is the villain and, in a kind of a cute scene, we see the credit sequence where she is dancing, and she makes out with Auggie. Aww, I know these two are supposed to be in love but I just don't feel it. The seem like bros to me. Anyway, I just have to admire Christopher Gorham's performance here. He really gives it his all. I want to giggle whenever I see him. But, I digress. Back in the real world, Lena has compiled evidence to frame Annie for her (Lena's) criminal activities. Joan and Arthur are all "yeah, I totally believe this. Even though Annie is actually the worst spy ever she could totally have pulled this off". Auggie however does his own investigating with the aid of an over-achieving nurse (seriously, aren't they supposed to have some discretion? Anyway.) Joan thinks Auggie is cray-cray but eventually decides to give him access to her files which are above his clearance anyway. Joan and Annie obviously went to the same school of stealthiness because they are both horrible at it. Auggie tracks down the man who forged Annie's passport and goes to his house, where he finds his dead body and smells...lavender. Hahaha. I don't know why I find this so amusing. I love that Lena was all "gotta go kill somebody, better not forget my perfume". Next thing you know Auggie is sitting in the hospital when Lena brings him some coffee and he catches that familiar whiff of lavender. Run, Lena, you in danger! Fortunately Lena is so cocky she totally goes into Annie's room and tries to finish the job by suffocating her, but is caught by, well, everyone. Auggie confesses his feelings for Annie, fire alarms are pulled, soft pseudo indie music is played! This show is the cheese, but it does the cheese well.
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