Exhibit A

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She wore this for Canada day in Quebec. The white dress is perfect and how fabulous is that purse?
Exhibit B

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Well what would you expect her to wear to the Calgary Stampede?
Exhibit C

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She wears navy a lot, a A LOT, but she looks great.
Exhibit D

I love this dress and the nude shoes. Go Fug Yourself often comments on her "sensible princess shoes" but I lurve them. Does that make me sensible?
Exhibit E

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This look is absolutely my favourite of hers. Mostly because whenever I have to carry my luggage around I end up sweating and looking like a pig and she looks like "that's right, I am carrying my own MASSIVE duffle bag like you peasants, but unlike you peasants I look like it is light as a feather and haven't even broken a sweat". This picture also really makes me want to be in the UK. Don't worry England, I'm coming in er, 7 months!
Exhibit F

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